Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers for my friends daughter

Please pray for my friends 5 soon to be 6 year old. You prayed for her before when she was having some pretty risky brain surgery and she came through with flying colors. Now she has a really bad case of pnemonia(sp?). Her family has really been through a lot so please keep them all in your prayers!

Thank you and DeColores!
Janet Chandley

Re: prayers for my friends daughter

Will be praying for this child and her family.

Re: prayers for my friends daughter

I will keep the little girl and her family in my prayers.

Re: prayers for my friends daughter

Prayers coming for your friend and her little girls way.

Re: prayers for my friends daughter

I just wanted to update everyone. She is home from the hospital she is still pretty tired but finally doing way better. Thank You all so much for the prayers! This is the best prayer line around:)
Janet Chandley