An interesting fact was brought up at the woman's 2nd team meeting today, Mary Skladanowski said she posted in the church bulletin about women making a Cursillo if the are interested to contacting her..... we have 3 ladies from that post making a Cursillo March 15-18. It does work! We only have one lady from the the previous men's Cursillo going in March. So looks like this weekend will be somewhat of a special women's weekend. We now have 21 candidates but still need more. Remember how a few drop out just before a weekend or something comes up and they don't show up? Get those candidates applications in. Also try to work on couples so we don't run into this problem every month. Meanwhile the team has bonded and we are moving forward for a great last team meeting March 10 and a fantastic Cursillo weekend March 15-18. Sorry but I am wearing 2 hats these next few weeks, Rector and Erie County Coordinator. Bear with me. DeColores!