Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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March Ultreya

I have heard that this month we are choosing to move ultreya to the cafeteria because they are having stations of the cross at OLP at 7. Last year, we started with stations and then just had witnessing after with the social hour to follow. Stations is a great way to start off the Lenten Season. It is a lot of work to get all the things needed for Mass in the cafeteria. I don't understand why we just don't send out an update that simply states to come for stations a half hour earlier than normal. That would save, me especially, a lot of work.

Re: March Ultreya

Mike - This was a decision made by our Spiritual Directors. They felt that it would be best to have our regular Ultreya because even if we do send out an update, there are hundreds of people who do not have email. They would be coming in late and disrupting the Stations. Stations are a good way to start off the Lenton Season, but the Liturgy of the Eucharist is also good. I have marked my December calendar as a reminder of the Stations so this will not happen again next year. If you know of any conflicts we may come up against, please let me know well in advance so the newsletter can reflect the change. De Colores
