Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Prayers for a New Friend

So David had a hernia operated on today and made it through very well. A little sore but home now resting. While I was in the waiting room I overheard a conversation a woman was having with a doctor and could gather that her husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. As I sat there thanking God for David's surgery only being a hernia God pushed me out of my chair and into the gift store to buy a ...card for the woman and her husband. I felt the calling from God to lend my support to her as she was alone waiting and in need of some company. Their journey ahead is long and if God was going to use me I was going to let Him. So I did and one of the first things she said to me was "God is Good". God Bless her and her husband. When we answer the call we can help to change moods, days, weeks, or even lives. Prayer is powerful so if you can help me pray for my new friend in Christ her name is Beth Blyler and her husband is Mel. Thank you!

Re: Prayers for a New Friend

I will pray for David and Mel. Your a very good person Kristin. God Bless you

Re: Prayers for a New Friend

We will definitely be praying for her and her husband, and yours, too! Someone saying "yes" to God saved my Dad! We are so glad you said yes too. :)

Re: Prayers for a New Friend

Thank you for answering the call when God pushed you. We all need to be more aware of the needs of those around us....Christian Community in Action!
Beth and her husband Mel will be in our prayers.