Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Re: The Best wkend


All of you men and women who served made the weekend what is was a wonderful and beautiful experience for all. Sometimes we as men and women try to control way too many aspects of our lives. I know I fall into that trap too often. I put several things behind me this past weekend due to letting the Holy Spirit into my heart and I came away a much better man.

Once again, Well done good and Faithful Servants.


Re: The Best wkend

My Mom always said "Big things come in small packages." While the number of candidates for this weekend was small, the Spirit was enormous!

The Christian Community that came together to make this weekend such a success absolutely proves that "church" is NOT A BUILDING, it is the people who come together to share God's love.

A big DE COLORES to each and every one of you who helped in any way to make this weekend happen!
