DeColores my brothers and sisters in Christ. Cursillo is back in Erie County starting October 18-21. The team has been meeting and the bells have been repaired. It is less than 24 days for our next Woman's Cursillo. As you all know we have been having a difficult time finding candidates for the weekends. I know I have also done this in the count on someone else to bring candates to the best weekend ever. Please......when you are attending Mass, at work or just hanging out with frineds,look around and see if there is anyone that you think might be interested in attending a weekend. The woman's weekend is coming upon us and we need to find women that are single, widowed, divorced, or separated to attend the weekend. We only have a very few women who's husbands made the last weekend. Most of the men were single from M 222. A reminder in your church bulletin would be a great start. Post one as soon as possible. Applications can be obtained on line in the Cursillo web site or call the Cursillo office. Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of candidates again?
God's work is never done!
Linda and Pete Tolhurst