Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Community Outreach Group, part 2

The Community Outreach Group (C.O.G.) has coordinated with Catholic Charities Counseling & Adoption Services Refugee Resettlement Program to seek assistance from specific Churches in generating clothing for their separate Warm Clothing Drives to be held in Autumn 2012. Given that the Clothing Distribution Party hosted by the Community Outreach Group was started by a Cursillo G.R., we are seeking Parish Coordinators for Cursillo to assist us by conducting clothing drives at those Parishes reserved for C.O.G.’s solicitation. These congregations include: St. Joseph Bread of Life, St. Mark the Evangelist, Holy Rosary / St. John the Baptist, Mount Calvary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Patrick / St. Hedwig, St. Andrew, Our Mother of Sorrows (St. Casimir, St. Ann, Holy Family), St. James, Holy Trinity, St. Gregory, and All Saints.
After consultation with the Cursillo Office and the Erie County Coordinator for Cursillo, it was learned that not all of these Parishes have Coordinators.
If you are willing to conduct a drive at your Church (whether or not you are the Parish Coordinator for Cursillo), please do so the weekend of November 10/11. The clothes you collect can then be brought to our semi trailer, which is currently placed in the large parking lot at Erie Insurance (site of the former Cauley Auditorium), on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th between 9am and 12noon.
C.O.G.’s Clothing Distribution Party will be held at 10am on Saturday, December 1st @ St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church @ East 22nd & Peach Streets. Details are available on our Facebook Page, Cursillo website bulletin board, in the newsletter, and during Ultreya/Closing Announcements.

For more information, or to commit to conducting the drive, please contact Tim Nowakowski at or 825-9183.