2 more clothing/toy drop sites for Community Outreach Group
UPDATED POST re: the Community Outreach Group's Clothing Distribution Party on Saturday, December 1st: there are now four (4) clothing/toy drop opportunities on Saturday 11/17 & Sunday 11/18: The Church of ST. MARK EVANGELIST, Lawrence Park, has their Vigil Mass @ 5pm on Saturday with Sunday Liturgies at 8am & 10:30am. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL (near the East Grandview K-Mart) celebrates the Eucharist at 5pm on Saturday and 7:30am, 9am, & 11am on Sunday. ST. ANDREW CHURCH @ 1116 West 6th Street before or after their Liturgies on Saturday @ 5pm or Sunday @ 8am or 11am. Masses at MOUNT CALVARY CHURCH on EAST LAKE ROAD are 5:15pm on Saturday and 9am on Sunday.