I just returned from Cursillo closing of Men #223. it was awesome. Its amazing how everything runs so smoothly when your on the outside looking in. But there is a lot of work that a lot of people do behind the scenes to make this all possible. As Erie County Coordinators it is our job to choose the right people for these jobs. As stated during the closing " Jesus, these members of your Church, confident of Your help, wish to dedicate themselves to Your service. They come before You and with their hearts filled with Your love, ask that You accept their dedication. Christ our Light, You have shown us during the second day of our Cursillo that life and achievement has meaning only as it is to You.Christ our Consoler, You have shown us during the third day of our Cursillo, that Your gifts to us are not to keep, but to bring You and Your life to others. Christ You have shown us the many opportunities which are before us to prove our love for You by loving and serving each other." So in saying this, when you get a phone call from us asking you to step up and take on a position or a job in Cursillo, please say yes. Remember with out each and everyone of you there would not be a Cursillo. Remember the feeling you had when all that Palanca came.........lets keep the feeling of giving. Remember God is working through each of you. Let His light shine!
DeColores Linda
I second that! Having worked five Cursillos, I can tell you that it is a huge commitment of time and effort, loss of family time for a weekend, maybe even loss of some vacation days, but without each one of us making that commitment those souls would not experience Cursillo and receive the tools that will help them grow as Christians. And it isn't just the team, it is all the people in the background making it happen. Say YES. You won't regret it!
P.S. Help out by working on a team. Get your applications in!!!