Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am asking for prayers for a situation at work. It is very hard sometimes to see God in the everyday events that we all go through. Pray specifically for a gentle spirit. Pray also that if this door closes, God has His hands on the door knob of another. Thank you and God Bless. DeColores Doug.
Doug, you can count on us in the prayer department. May God's Spirit of Love engulf all the employees where you work so that all can enjoy a happy and productive work environment. God's peace be with all.
You are a wonderful Man of Faith and I know you will be guided by God in the right direction. Remember we can not change the behaviors and attitudes of others (you should know you had to hang around me.) You will come through this with God's help and be better for it.
It looks like you've got some pretty good prayer partners praying for you and your situation, well maybe except for Sox (Socks!) haha - just kidding Sox. I'd want Sox praying for me!!
I've been there and done that and I finally didn't like the hassle of those situations after 35 years, so I retired! Unfortunately you're way too young to retire, so we'll keep you in our prayers!
I have added you to my prayer list. Yes, it is sometimes hard to see the face of God in everyone we meet. The workplace can be so challenging. Trust in His love and guidance. Take His hand and He will lead you to the right door. God bless!
Doug, my prayers go out to you for God's will, for you to be open to know what you need to do in the situation, or whatever direction he guides you. God bless you!
Once upon a time a really good friend once told me, when I was having trouble at work, perhaps you are there to be a light in that darkness. A light that stands firm when no one else would. A person who takes the abuse so no one else has to. He asked me how nuch worse would it might be for everyone else if I wasn't there? In the end Justice wins if you don't compromise your ethics. I'll pray God leads you through this.