Prayer & email Palanca for Birmingham Men's 129 Cursillo
To All my Cursillo Brothers & Sisters in the Erie Cursillo Movement:
I have been asked to be on the Cursillo team for Men's Cursillo 129 in the Birmingham Alabama Diocese September 4-7 2013.
Even though this is a new experience for me considering some unique traditions in the Cursillo Movement in Birmingham, there are many things that are the same from the many opportunities I have had to be on teams in Erie.
I prayerfully ask that all my Erie Cursillo Brothers and Sisters send email Palanca for this Cursillo. Please email to my email account at and I will print them out to pass them along to the candidates at our cursillo site at Sacred Heart Monastery in Cullman, Alabama.
I will also offer my prayers for the Womens Cursillo in Erie during the same weekend.
I certainly hope to show them the power of the Holy Spirit that radiates from the Erie Cursillo Movement.