Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Now please bare with me for taking this long to write this as I'm new to this Cursillo and of course this web site as well so I'm still looking around and getting to know things.
I would like to give my warm thanks to all the people in this diocese for the palandas that I'd received while in the Cursillo #227 as I'd was reading letters and such I'd had to stop as tears of joy started to shed as I never knew how many wonderful and loving people we have all over the diocese that puts out thoughts and prayers from there hearts. I'm from a small family and live alone and this experience I had on that weekend was one of the most wonderful experience I ever had, met such wonderful people, it's like being in such a large family. This changed my life. I will do my best to keep the flames kindling now and forever. Make the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.



DeColores Ricky & Happy 4th Day! We all have been there too and most feel the same way you do about this experience! Just keep yourself involved and the family you talk about will continue to grow, as will your love for this movement! God Bless!
Lynn Summerson


De Colores, Ricky!!

The way to keep the fire roaring is to stay involved with your new family. Go to Ultreyas, Closings, Holy Hours, and anything else that comes along!! Remember - we cannot do this by ourselves, we need each other - frequent contact keeps us all grounded.

You may think that you don't "need" to go to an event or you just don't feel like it, but someone else may NEED you to be there - yours may be the smile that someone needs at that particular time.


Happy Fourth Day!

Janet and Arco