Thanks to a reminder from Lina Major, we are putting out this request:
In carrying on a tradition, we would like to provide Christmas Cards to the men at SCI Albion who attend Christmas Liturgy. There are usually between 175-200 who attend, and we want to provide each of them with at least one card. Thanks to your generosity, the past few years have been especially fruitful, and we have been able to give each man 3-4 cards!
Why is this important? Some of these men have little to no supports outside of the prison walls. Some never get mail. Some never get visitors. They feel alone. When they get a card from someone on the "outside" and know that someone is praying for them, it brightens their day and gives them hope.
So - if you have some extra cards, or would like to purchase some, sign them with a quick note that you are praying for them at this holiday time. This is a great GR project!!
2. Do not use cards/envelopes that have the gold/silver decorations or linings (these set off the metal detector)
3. Do not put anything else in the card
4. Do not seal the envelopes
You can get the signed cards to us by bringing to any upcoming Cursillo event, or mail them to us by December 17 at:
Arco and Janet Wasserman
Prison Ministry
St. Peter Church
501 Washington Street
Thank you for helping us with this - it is amazing how the cards add up when everyone does a few!! Loaves and Fishes!!