On January 11, 2014 you are all invited to join the Cursillistas at St. Boniface Parish for a spirit filled evening. We will attend 5:00pm mass and enjoy the heavenly hymns and voices of the Cursillo Choir. During the mass Jeff Rzepka will officially become our new leader as president of the Cursillo Movement. Truly he is a man of God and we are so proud of him!
Following the mass we will honor Jeff with a chicken and biscuit dinner in the St. Boniface Cafeteria. Please R.S.V.P. if you plan on attending.825-4439 The choir will practice at 4:00pm. Please pass on this information to anyone without e-mail. See you there!
I will see you on Saturday my friend. Also I will be bringing my wife and daughter.
I will assist you in any way that I can in your year as president. It is a wonderful experience. I was reading the journal I kept in 2006 and it brought back a lot of great memories. If you enjoy writing I suggest you write about your year and the events that take place.
Stay Humble my friend and let the Holy Spirit do all the work.