The Cursillo choir was started some 20 years ago. It began as nearly every ministry begins. A person filled with Grace, because of their relationship with Christ, is moved and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to action. An action based in Christ that attempts to bring others to Christ by sharing their God given talents or treasures.
In a sense they trusted and realized the gifts they were given were to be used as God would have them use them. A person with this drive becomes a natural leader that others follow because they can share the vision as a great good. The ministry becomes a Christian Community in action! This community relies on all of its members to thrive and accomplish its goal. The goal Always… Always must be to bring others to Christ.
I remember being at Choir events in the late 90’s where there were nearly 100 music ministers if not more and being told choir lofts may not support our weight so we better move to a different area of the Church. We had great support from the whole Cursillo family. Often people were moved to tears during the Mass. I have no doubt we were bringing others to Christ. Fellowship sessions soon followed as well as full blown dinners.
The Cursillo choir did not begin because Fr. Tex or any executive committee ever willed it into existence. Instead it began because someone Trusted God and said Yes to that voice they heard. Fr. Tex then endorsed it and offered Cursillo support in the way of song books and announcements at Closing etc. And why did he endorse it? Because I’m told Fr. Tex was called by his peers and basically told “WOW” after the choir would sing at a Parish. He realized that the Cursillo Choir was a great tool in spreading Christ and Cursillo around the area. It deserved support because of its was bringing others to Christ. I’m told this by the person most responsible for the choirs beginning.
Flash forward to 2014. Last year our Spiritual leader was once again called by his peers, after the Choir sang at their Parishes’. But this time instead of “WOW” it was more like “Are you aware of what’s going on?” It is no secret there have been some quite embarrassing moments at Cursillo choir events over the last couple years.
So who’s at fault? Where can we throw the rock?
We are all at fault for not supporting this Ministry. And I reject any idea that tries to blame individuals for what is truly a lack of support at every level. There has been a slow decline in attendance for years and somewhere along the way we each assumed it was someone else’s job to make sure it happened and happened well.
We each, as Music Ministers at a Mass, have a responsibility to be prepared and act with reverence and respect for the sake of the Mass and everyone attending the Mass. A music minister is everyone and anyone who comes to be part of the Cursillo Choir.
So where do we go from here? The Spiritual directors nor the executive committee have any desire to govern or rule and control how the Cursillo Choir functions. But at the same time we can not turn a blind eye and endorse or allow it to continue as it has been going. We need to regroup before we are TOLD by some higher authority to STOP.
So effective after this Saturday’s Sing at St. Boniface Church the Erie County based Cursillo Choir is suspending all future engagements until we can make sure we have the full support we need to insure we have a Christian community in action with a goal of bringing others to Christ in the WOW fashion we have in the past.
How long a Suspension? I do not know. I can tell you I have talked to, Jon who is leading the Music portion this year, Gail who led it last year, Lew who is booking events and Wil who started it 20 years ago. They are all working hard on ideas to make this a very short suspension. I trust we will find a great solution quickly God willing. But please be clear there is no solution that will work with out everyone’s support.
Now I must humbly ask you each to remember this web site is for announcements, prayer requests, and items for the good of the movement.
This is not the forum to discuss or debate our opinions or possible solutions to remedy this very difficult decision. We have established avenues to handle those discussions. Discussions that can be held face to face starting with a prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Namely small focus groups and the upcoming secretariat meeting.
I humbly suggest that if you feel compelled to add to this thread you simply say “Jon and Lew where do you need me? I’ll be there and how can I help?
I thank you in advance for your prayerful understanding.
Amen & Amen again !!! I hope to see old & new folks tonite at St. Boniface !!!! Practice at 4 & Mass at 5 PM -- lets support Cursillo & our new president Jeff. I made Cursillo over 20 Years ago & love & continue to support it. The sings are so very special & they help us to contine our 4th days!!! DeColores & hugs,