Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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As the February blahs set in, just a few thoughts:

Have you taken the time to actually examine any of the snowflakes as they fall? Each one is beautiful and unique - each crystal joining with others to make something new.

One snowflake doesn't make much of an impact on the world around it - it can be easily dismissed. However, put lots of snowflakes together and it's a whole different situation!

Cursillistas are the same - individually, we are all beautiful and unique, and while we can make a difference alone, when we join together - what an impact!!

Part of our 4th Day is to come together to rejuvenate, strengthen and be strengthened by the community that God has given us. Start today - there is an Ultreya in Erie County tonight; CRAWFORD COUNTY tonight at 7 at St. Brigid Church in Meadville; Cursillo next weekend; KISS Dance on the 22nd (if you come, I'll dance with you!!!). These are just a few of the wonderful opportunities to come together and have fun with God - Don't miss out!!!!
