Fr. Dan, myself and several members of both the Men’s and Women’s up coming Spanish Cursillo teams attended the 12:00pm Spanish Mass at St. Stephens Sunday.
In many ways just like Cursillo there are no words to describe that Mass, you simply had to experience. But I will try just the same to try and give you a taste.
The Church was packed with People, I mean packed! Standing room only and there were plenty standing. Do you remember when you had to have the little brown chairs set out because there were not enough pews? I’m told they do it every week here. There was excitement in everyone's eyes. Everyone participated. Fr. Matias’s energy was contagious. At the sign of peace there were no quiet reserved hand shakes…..
there was heart felt eye contact and a hand shake that confirmed no words were necessary. From adults….from chidren……….from teenagers. By the end of the sign of peace I felt sincerely welcome. The music was amazing. Mass lasted for more than one and a half hours. It might have been closer to two. But know one paid attention to the time they were having too much fun. And at the end of Mass many stood around and talked. I felt as though I was at the best Cursillo Mass you could imagine.
Fr. Dan's pulpit talk brought tears to my eyes as he tried to put into words the feeling of wanting to Minister but because of not knowing Spanish he felt completely in adequate. I shared the same feeling of being inadequate. I wondered, as I imagine He did, if anyone really understood what He was saying.
But where we were inadequate God was not. Countless people met us at the back of church and sought us out to tell us they needed an application or several and they were coming to Cursillo. We brought 50 -60 applications and we ran out. Many people came up to me, thanked me for coming and told me they were interested and planned on attending. There was no wondering…. the message was received loud and clear!
I started by telling you that words are not enough you have to experience it. A day later and I can’t stop talking about it! You are in luck they have Mass every Sunday at noon. And God willing many will be attending a Cursillo soon. Pray for THEM, make Palanca for THEM, serve THEM, feed THEM and most of all… Please be there for THEM, to make THEM feel as welcome as they made us feel Sunday.
Your Servant,