Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Thoughts and prayers about my job...

This is just to inform the few people that knew anything about me "training" for the Office Manager job in the office. Fr. Dan told me this morning that they will pay me for the 25+ hours that I've worked and trained for my old beloved job - but that it isn't working out for him or Shirley. So sorry to let the beautiful Cursillo Movement down - I will always pray for your intentions as I hope you will pray for me right now - I'm so sad and disappointed that they wouldn't give me a chance to show them what I did years ago for the office - maybe it just isn't in God's plan for me. I sure thought and hoped that it was. Hugs and DeColores my true friends.

Re: Thoughts and prayers about my job...

Hugs & lots of prayers Kathy. DeColores Sorry about this crazy situation, may God bless all involved.