Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayer requst

Please pray for the soul of George Wargo who passed away on Thursday and for the comfort of his family.

Re: Prayer requst

Howdy Cursillistas, I lost my singing buddy to Jesus, what a way to go George! We have to pray for him, his family and friends as he is praying for us now with Jesus. One of mine and George's songs was "Jesus is the Rock and He Rolled My Sins Away", we sang it with the Cursillo Choir. George and I would let go with our blusiest voices' each encouraging the other to let it go. Then we would Rock!! That song is what really drew us together and I always called him my singing buddy. I will be seeking him out at future sings out of habit. He will be there with us in spirit. Love you George Wargo!!