Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Re: for healing and good test results for whole family

Josh's results too difficult to determine. He has to have a Pep scan due to the fact the spot on his lung is close to the heart and if they do a pin test it may puncture the lung or the heart so they are doing a pep scan on Monday. Prayers it isn't cancer again. Thank you for all your prayers.

Re: for healing and good test results for whole family

You got it!
Janet and Arco

Re: for healing and good test results for whole family

Josh has to go back on Friday his sugar levels were too high today. Pray that his levels will be at the right level and that the scan has great results. They are looking once again for cancer.

Re: for healing and good test results for whole family

Update on Josh PEP scan he is not showing any cancer but will have to be monitored for the next couple years keep them in your prayers and that he doesn't develop cancer again that he stays cancer free and I thank you so very much praise God for your prayers.