I cannot express my appreciation for everyone who was a part of Women's Cursillo #241 - from the first meeting with Rector Advisor through the final lock-up of the building and EVERYTHING in between!
It is always a gift to be on a team and be able to watch the growth that occurs throughout the weekend (within the team as well as with the candidates), and to see first hand the amount of effort and time that is involved - is priceless.
Know that your efforts were noticed and appreciated, and don't ever stop! If you get a call to serve on a team - SAY YES!!!!! If you haven't already filled out a team application (located under the "Forms tab" at the top of this page), hurry and fill it out!!!!!
Come to Ultreyas, Closings, Holy Hours. . .the ladies this past weekend were in awe that so many people would give so freely of their time simply to serve them. On their behalf, I say to you -
DE COLORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Crawford County Ultreya - 10/09/15 - St. Agatha - Meadville
I find that whenever anyone gives from the heart, God multiplies it so many fold! The women of this weekend & the human support, will certainly have a domino effect for the church.