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Re: 7/3/10 report

Yesterday my daughter said that the bigger salmon that she caught at the end of the day had worms!!! Well I did not pay much attention because you know teenage girls are grossed out about everything that comes out of the earth or water and I figured she was just being a girl. So this morning I was cleaning the boat and noticed these little dried up skinny yellowish things with eyes.... dah.....yoy you dummy! I guess i will pay more attention to her next time! Has anyone else noticed the yoy?

Re: 7/3/10 report

I've only kept one salmon this year from Winni and it was loaded with stomach worms. Had a 1 1/2 inch ball of them tightly wrapped in its stomach and some loose in the intestines. Gross. Fish was a torpedo so I kept it. I found out why it was so skinny.
I know you can eat those fish if cooked well, but I lost my appetite and it became fertilizer (like the
Indians use to do).

Re: 7/3/10 report

I think these were YOY Cal, she may have just thought they were worms. I was wondering if anyone has noticed any YOY this year yet with the fish they have caught recently.