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Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

Once again, Jordan and I will be attending this great event out in Mexico NY. (North of Syracuse) $50. per boat and the captains bag is worth at least $50. in goodies. Bring in your 6 biggest fish. Nice people, great food at the cookout and lots of great raffle prizes. Kids raffle too.
Lodging out there is cheap.

If you are interested call me 508-612-2959 and I can give you more details. I am willing to share info on whats working and where. Us NE fishermen need to represent!!! The Scotty tournament was won by a Lake Winni team last year!!!


Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

Not doing the Challnege but am taking the girlfriend and kids and fishing Sunday 7/25 with Redline.

Good Luck!


Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

We will also be out Sunday AM till about 11 or 12 depending on the weather. Will head home after. Good luck Mac.


Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

Good Luck at the Challenge Brad....but I am sure 'Jiggin Jordan' will out fish you! They always do. (:

Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

Bob..you know it...He usually does. We hand all the rods to the kids all day of the tournament. Jordan won big fish for the kids side 3 years ago. Nice plaque and a $50. Walmart gift card. We will have 3 kids on board again this year.

Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

Team Sunapee will be on the pond for a long weekend , not sure about the derby - we would have to catch 6 ??? anybody need some tips on shakers ?? those we can catch . get in touch before you head up brad

Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

My cell is 508-612-2959
Enter the derby. Capt. meeting is 5:00 on Friday in Mexico. Can you make that?

Re: Little Salmon River Challenge 7/24 - Anyone here going out for it?

will be in town thu night , i'll call ya friday. early if we are just flickin fleas