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Season is off and running.............

Hit winnipesaukee today with my first charter of the season and we kicked her off in style.

My crew was 3 guys from california that took the red eye out of LA, landed in logan before 6am, and hit their first patch of ice ever by 9am.

We landed 15 lakers 3 white perch and 1 smallmouth bassy from 9:30-3:30 Surprisingly good mid day action.

Darius, Will and Steve with supper.


Re: Season is off and running.............

Nice Work Adrien!!!!

How much ice were you seeing up there?

Re: Season is off and running.............

there are 4 sheets of ice on winnipesaukee.

The long since frozen sheet that made it through the rain storm weeks ago is about 8-12 inches thick

Last thursday sheet is 6.25 inches thick and freezing super slow with the insulating snow.

Last fridays sheet i havn't gone on my guess is 4 inches but no guarantees.

And the death trap sheet that barely froze the day before or of the snow and wont hold a coyote. This comprises only a few small holes but super dangerous.

As usual the ice isn't uniform and constant checking is reccomended.

Re: Season is off and running.............

Wow...Come from Cali. to ice fish!!! They have to be nuts. Great job, keep the reports coming.

Re: Season is off and running.............

Nice job Adrien.
I am assuming the ice depths you stated are in a bay?
Thanks for the reports, please keep them coming.

Re: Season is off and running.............

I am talking the whole lake.

Most bays have from 6.25-10 inches, but mostly 6.25

Broads have 1-4 inches