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Travis - Idea for the Gathering...

Hi Travis,

Not sure if you are interested in ideas but here goes anyway.

Would be interested in a presentation about how to read a topo map of a body of water and decide where to fish. It doesnt have to be a map of Winni as I know guys do not want to share secret spots....

Just some lessons on what a guide would look for if they were approachinig a new lake and trying to decide where to fish. Coves, points, drop offs, and why one would fish there....

Anyone else like to hear this info??

Love the Gathering, Love the site, would love some new info....


Jon W

Re: Travis - Idea for the Gathering...

Jon W
Hi Travis,

Not sure if you are interested in ideas but here goes anyway.

Would be interested in a presentation about how to read a topo map of a body of water and decide where to fish. It doesnt have to be a map of Winni as I know guys do not want to share secret spots....

Just some lessons on what a guide would look for if they were approachinig a new lake and trying to decide where to fish. Coves, points, drop offs, and why one would fish there....

Anyone else like to hear this info??

Love the Gathering, Love the site, would love some new info....


Jon W

i would also like to hear this info

Re: Travis - Idea for the Gathering...

Sounds like a good idea. What I was plannning on was a Q&A with the guides from the fleet. We could most defenitley address this question!
