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good day to a great season

Hi Guys this is your ole buddy Forry. How you all doing? Just wanted to start off by posting this nice pic of my baby boy Douglas. We went out two weekends ago and wound up with about twice what the photo shows. thought it was our last trip of the season, but we did one last trip this time Ilucas went with us up to Stintson. wound up with Four bows , one brookie and one perch. had a good time now bring on the soft water. Oh and it's good to be back, let's have some fun. see you at the gathering.

Re: good day to a great season

Welcome back Forry. Good to hear from you again.

Re: good day to a great season

thanks good to hear from you.

Re: good day to a great season

There goes the nieghborhood!!!!!!!!!

good to have you back Forry, behave!

Re: good day to a great season

Welcome back Forry!

Re: good day to a great season

Glad your back Forry!! See you Sunday at the gathering.


Re: good day to a great season


Miss ya, glad your back!!!!!!!!!