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one more time or one and done?

This web site has been way too dull for me how about you?
So I hope this will liven it back up. I have one question I'd like to get your thoughts on. It may not be about fishing but on the other hand it just could be. My question is SHOULD PRESIDENT OBAMA GET RE-ELECTED? Not asking your political status do not care, just curious to how you feel about the job the man is/has doing/done for you. If you decide to answer this question please say why you answer the way you do. I say a big fat NO. why? Because I feel He has done nothing good in my opinion for the Country since the day he took office. If you care to share your thoughts on this matter what say you? Please do not critisize anyone for their answers, for everyone has their own opininions. This is not to cause trouble. Consider it like a poll asked on FOX or CNN television. thanks Forry

Re: one more time or one and done?

forry just grab your ol zebco rod and reel and go fish,n

Re: one more time or one and done?

I will play I see no harm in expressing ones feelings as long as everyone is civil. I vote no due to the fact that the man has done nothing, someone told what wonderful things he's done, I ask for instances the response was "well he hasn't made any mistakes" to which I responded "it's hard to make a mistake if you don't do anything" (conversation ended). Yes I'm a reg. Republication but i'm an AMERICAN first if I felt better about the shape of our nation and the direction we'er headed I'd vote for the man but I don't so I wont but I also wont critisize those who do,sorry for the soap box post.
Lets fish!!!

Re: one more time or one and done?

That would be a big fat no from me. He crammed Obama care down our throats, ruining health care as we know it for one thing! Gives billions to Brazil to drill for oil, so they can sell it to us!! (While we have enough in our own country to keep us from being dependent on foreign oil) I say drill baby drill!! As soon as we start the price of oil will go down.
I know this is a fishing site, but this has everything to do with it, if we want to keep fishing and hunting.
If these people have their way, we won't be much longer.
I could go on and tell you how I really feel, but that's enough for now.


Re: one more time or one and done?

This is my correct e-mail.


Re: one more time or one and done?

i dont think trump can take him

Re: one more time or one and done?

NO. Those who subscribe to what he is selling, will ruin the way we like to spend our life.