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Re: In Line Planer Boards

I run a couple of the G2 planers (without a mast)on my 17 foot Lowe. They hand line in without any trouble. Love my setup - catches more fish than on the riggers, hands down.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

How many colors do you plan to run? How many leadcore setups do you plan to run? Are you going with in-lines, because you are on a budget or just due to the fact that you dont have the ability to put a mast in your boat?

A couple things.. attach your line to the backing, not the leadcore. Set your in-line not to release. In other words, take the board off at the boat. You don't want the in-line board running down your leadcore. It will weaken the dacron sheath over time. Same goes for why you don't want to attach your line directly to the leadcore. You could weaken the sheath or crimp and potentially break the lead. If you have braid as your backing, splice in some mono (10-20lb)between the backing and leadcore. Braid causes issues with wear on release pads, etc.

The reason I asked about the mast is because you can run a G2 planer board off a cleat or extra rod and just handline it in. At least that is what I'm told. I just bought one, but haven't run it yet. If you strictly use streamers with your lc, from everything I hear, the G2 is the way to go. You'll get some action with in-lines in chop, like Mike says, but not the jigging action you'd get with the G2.

The offshores are good in-line boards. Other options are Church, YellowBirds, Z-boards, Big Jon Sideliners, etc. I run Church Walleye, Church TX-6, and Sideliners. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. A lot of it depends on how many colors you plan on running. I could give you more specific make and model choices if you know how many colors you plan on running. For example, the Walleye boards are overkill if you plan on running 1-5 colors. They are great boards, but better for 5-10 colors.

Also do a search on in-lines here, because I know Mike and I have discussed a lot of this a few years back. There might be some helpful info in those threads.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

Lefty makes a good point to cut your leadcore to length and attach the clips to your backing not to leadcore. In the spring, I run one with 2 colors and one with 3 colors and as the water warms I have to remove the 2 and 3 colors and replace with 6 and 7 colors. It's not too bad to do but you can't do it on the boat so your depths are...your depths. I know when AJ sells his prerigged combos, he has 10 colors on them so you'd have to re-rig these (I'd just ask for the rod/reel and ask him to give you the backing and leadcore seperate.

Don't know where I read this or heard it (it may have been on this board.

Lefty is also correct that you will get much nicer "jigging action" with the G2s but you will pay for it. The only downside to the G2 other than cost is that you will only be running 2 lines off the jigger (one on each side of the boat) AND you have to retreive the board after each release. Personally, I would think it's worth it if I had the money to go with the G2. I'd do the same on my downriggers....though I would hate to have to give up my Chamberlain releases. If you have those along with the Canon DRs that automatically adjust to depth, you'd be like Big John...up, down in and out!...His success is hard to argue with.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

Mike.. you forgot John's Rod Pumpers too. Seeing it all in action at once is a sight to behold. Like you said, you can't argue with the mans success.

One thing you could try, Mike, is leave your 2 and 3 color setups on for the whole year. Just add a snap weight or dive bomb to the backing. You'd still get the added depth and undulation effect of the leadcore, without respooling mid-season. Just a thought. 1 oz of weight is approximately the equivalent of 1 color of lead. The dive bombs are similar, but not exact.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

Tom, Mike thanks for the wealth of information. I had done a search but when I went back and made "inline" one word all the threads you mentioned popped up. Spent a couple hours reading it through a couple times.

First off, right now I just setting up my 16 ft aluminum so my plan is two lines on planers, max, one on each side. Like the idea of the G2's but not the price. Think I'm settling in on the Offshores with a firm set on the release and removal at boat side. I may explore a jury rigged mast with a POS heavy action cod rod I have, but I'm not sure I like that too much. Have to get the boat in the garage to mock it up.

So I have questions, please. Can the Offshores be set up on a mast as well? Should I use the cod rod, I am wondering if I can use them in both scenarios. I've never tied the leadcore to the mono, usually something I let Alan do for me, what's the right knot to use? Everyone sings the success of lead core on the planers, is it also something you can flat line with mono? Seems to be one advantage at ice out would be to run up in the shallows without spooking fish. Lastly, I have three leadcore set-ups and am getting used to the set-up Mike uses. How much sense would it make to have two colors, 5 ft of mono, 1 color, 5 feet of mono, etc. I would like the flexibility of varying depth but not sure if that's practical. One thing is obvious, I need to learn that **** knot.

Thanks for your time.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

The Albright knot is the one to use strong knot easy to tie you can goggle it for a step by step vidieo.


Re: In Line Planer Boards

I started with the nail knot to connect mono to leadcore. It's a little challenging to tie and I can't do it with out a small hollow tube (they have "tools" for this) so I switched to a double uni-knot (google it). I can whip off one of these in less than a minute.

I don't like the idea of mono-lead-mono-lead so you have more flexibility. No matter how well you tie the knot, you get a little resistance going through the top guide of your rod...a big fish on makes this resistance bigger and you have to bend to the fish to release the resistance and get through. In fact, I finally broke off the porcelian "inner guide" piece of my top guide late last year. I wouldn't want to have to bring several knots in each time I caught a fish. Other knots may have a smaller profile. They also have a "shrink wrap" type solution for connecting lines that you heat with a hair dryer and it shrinks around your two lines and connects them and makes this transistion very smooth (I'm old school though and consider this cheating...lol).

As to using inlines later as regular planers, they are too light and won't hold the multiple lines you would want to put out. You will want something more substantial that will hold it's position.

If/when I switch from inline to regular planer/mast system, I will probably start with otter boats with an eye to upgrade to G2s as money becomes available. though it was going to be this year but NOT. Think I may put a VHF on the boat instead...

Re: In Line Planer Boards

There are some people that have taken an in-line board like the Church Tx-44 super board and converted it into a make-shift mast and ski setup. I'm not sure that is the way to go in your case. I'd recommend just saving up and either purchasing a new/used mast/ski system or G2 down the line.

I use the willis knot. It takes a bit to get use to it at first. One tip is to cut the mono at an angle. The knot works like Chinese fingercuffs and I've never had it fail. The knot profile is relatively small and goes through my reel and rod guides without issues.Just make sure the mono is touching the lead in the sheath and then drag the overhand knot down so you are in essence cinching it on the backing. Here's a link that explains it better than I do.


You definitely can flatline mono with an in-line planer board. Should work great at ice out. Just keep in mind you're not achieving any depth with this setup.

As with a lot of this stuff, there are more than one way to skin a cat. Up to you if you want to go with the lead, mono, lead, mono setup. I don't, but a lot of successful fishermen do. Good Luck!

Re: In Line Planer Boards

I never used inlines. Never appealed to me and I went out of my way to create my own setup. I have a big jon setup now but this setup worked just as good and my brother still uses my old setup with equal success.

Parts lits: 1x6x8 pc of cedar ($10), orange paint ($2), aluminum post $ needed hardware ($30), clothes pins and rings $5. Reels are just old oversized spools from fishing line.

Re: In Line Planer Boards

The only experience I have is with the Big John Otter Boats and they are super, can run multiple lines off each side. Last year I switched to G2's.

The G2 Planers will catch more fish than Otter Boats hands down, bit more expensive than Otter Boats, 170.00/each retail vs 100.00. So if your not on a budget, go with G2's.

Big John