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Fin clip

BTW, a question was asked "what are the hours for fin clipping" I should have mentioned this before, sorry.

Monday 10 to 2 or 3 (they need time to set up)
Tuesday 9 to 2 or 3
Wednesday 9 to 2 or 3
Thursday 9 til done (if needed at all, maybe finished Wednesday)

A break for lunch and coffee, etc. bring lunch if ya want, stop and grab coffe and donuts at the circle.

"Do I have to stay the whole time" was another question asked. You can leave whenever you want of course, even if you can only stay for an hour it will be a big help, but your pay will be docked, ha,ha.

Still nobody signed up for Thursday, if not needed I will call or put a notice here and let you know, or you can take a ride up anyhow and take a tour, some huge fish to see in the show ponds, interesting place, nice people working there. If for any reason a day is cancelled, I will post it here and/or call people that were signed up for that day.

By the way, 1/2 the people signed up are Mass---- just like me and some others will be traveling over 2 hours from Keene, etc.

I will post directions here tomorrow, simple to find from Alton Circle.

One more thing, wear rain coat (or rain gear) the job can get a little moist, boots if it snows would be good idea too. Everything else needed is supplied by F and G.

Big John