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Not Long Now!

The ice is starting to have that look about it. Open water shouldn't be too far off now!


Re: Not Long Now!

Yea stil going to be a while I iced fished yesterday on a Pond that goes out about 3 weeks before Winni usually. Fished on 10 inches of ice UGH!

Sorry to bring the bad news.... My guess, ice Out will most likely be late April early May!

Sorry Link...

Cool Water

Re: Not Long Now!

If all those cams are up to date, looks like enough open water to fish a few places.

Is West Alton Marina open, by that I mean ice free ?

Big John

Re: Not Long Now!

I was figuring after Easter. I am just trying to look on the bright side!

Re: Not Long Now!

Rode home along the lake from Gilford to Alton then over to Wolfeboro tonight. Large openings from the main land over to Rattlesnake. Large openings beginning west of Sandy Point going across. Ice is gone just past the bandstand in Alton Bay. Wolfeboro was fogged in this morning and night but there was quite a bit of open water this weekend. A thick fog has now moved in in front of our place in Nineteen Mile but the ice has gotten very black the past couple days. With any kind of wind it should start opening up more water to fish.
Dave S (Finaddiction)

Re: Not Long Now!

I may have to eat some Crow. (what does that saying even mean? anyway) On my ride home last night the Lake looked very black and as Dave said openings and such all over the place. So the brights side is looking brighter Link! That warm weather and rain sure did help!!!!

Cool Water

Re: Not Long Now!


Re: Not Long Now!

Went by Meredith Bay this AM, parts are open, but most still looks very solid.

A dummy was snowmobilling on Squam yesterday and skimming. He was by himself. People like this cause a lot of work for our F&G rescue teams.


Re: Not Long Now!

Hey Travis,
I hear that scotch goes very well with crow.