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live smelt?

I will be heading to lake winni for the weekend to troll for some salmon. I would like to use live smelt but cant find a bait shop in my area to buy them. I will be staying in alton and was hoping to avoid traveling all the way to A.J's in meredith. Can anyone recommend a place near alton bay to buy them. I could also use some tips on how to fish and rig them as well.

Re: live smelt?

The store at Alton circle usually has smelt and shiners opens 5:30 Saturday I think 6:00 Sunday Also the store right on the sharp turn at the corner of the bay on Rt11 has a bait tank out back.Go into the store and ask opens at 6:00 on Sunday not sure about Saturday

Re: live smelt?

The traffic circle only had shiners yesterday. Brian at Amilynnes has smelt (corner store 100yds from AB bridge). FYI - Im sure you know but its single hook point only with bait in Winni.

Re: live smelt?

I did not know it was single hook point only. Thanks for letting me know that. Can I rig it with two circle hooks instead of one circle and one treble?

Re: live smelt?

Nope. Just one hook per bait. See my other posts on 4/18 report. Good luck.

Re: live smelt?

Hey Altonbayer; What,s the surface tempeture? Thanx, Cal P.

Re: live smelt?


Re: live smelt?

Is that just for live bait or do I have to replace trebles on all my spoons as well???

Re: live smelt?

Barry; You can still run trebles on spoons.

Re: live smelt?

Thanks Cal!!!

Re: live smelt?

not to be a jerk. but the f&g makes a book call a rule book you can get them at the f&g of call them they will send you one.

Re: live smelt?

Yes that's true and it's something that used to be given to you at the time you bought your lic.,now you have to ask F&G "may I please have a law book" and then you have to have someone translate it so you or (I really) can understand it.

Re: live smelt?

Yes that's true and it's something that used to be given to you at the time you bought your lic.,now you have to ask F&G "may I please have a law book" and then you have to have someone translate it so you or (I really) can understand it.

Jusgrinnin, Now how do you expect the state to make money if they explain the laws the way the average person can understand them? GEEZ!!! Don't you know that is why we have laws, so the states can make money in fines. You Sir sound so UN-American. You have why to much common sense. LOL

Re: live smelt?

Forry sorry I was so out of line trying to apply some common sense to the situation, what ever happen to the whole of the people, by the people, for the people thing
ops showing my age now!!!

Re: live smelt?

Seems to me everybody has to be politically correact now a days. what ever happened to the good ole days? I was born about twenty years too late. We need to bring the country back around to those days. Oh by the way that is just my opinion. Lol "THIS RAIN STINKS"

Re: live smelt?

Ya well it's snowing here about two inches since 5:30 glad I fished yesterday. Political correctness not my strong suit, this administration stinks that my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!!

Re: live smelt?

Truer words were never spoke.