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Re: 1st troll; new toy (HDS5) questions

Hammer did you get the Navonics package or just the base map???

Re: 1st troll; new toy (HDS5) questions

Cool, will put the structure scan on my wish list. Yes, I got the navionics premium (2D) hotmaps chip. Lot's of useful detail to target spots and stay out of trouble. Maybe I'll actually catch more than 1 salmon or bow this year :-)

Re: 1st troll; new toy (HDS5) questions

Thanks Guys, Yeah I thought about the fish being higher this time of year. The first 5-10 feet was all 'noise' for me depending on my particular settings. Also, I don't think mine has the structure scanning, I think that is the step up from the HDS. Anyway, I suppose I can play with the different fishing modes and noise, clarity settings but do you guys prefer the 83 or the 200 kHz? I had it on 200 by default but thinking 83 is the way to go? I was also expecting to see my lead core lines but didn't. Perhaps this was because I was on the 200 frequency? In any event, being new to sonar/gps, I am amazed at what I was missing. You gotta have it. :-)

I run 2 different sonars on my boat one in the front for the driver and one in the back for the guy watching the lines.I use one on one setting and one on the other,this prevents interference between the 2 units.I don't notice any difference on winni between the 2.It is a great tool.Do you have the navionics chip with it?polebreaker