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Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

All you have to do is say the word John and I am sure there is a lot of fisherman on this site that will take you out on their boat while you are waiting for your new ride to come in. I know I would be happy to. God knows you have taken many a fisherman out with you.

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

If all goes well, the transfer and delivery if my boat will allmost coincide the same day or so if I planned it correctly and so far the boat is being built 1 week earlier than expected.

Thanks, I'm sure I could get a ride if I needed one, I'd just hate like hell to be without a boat for the long weekend with friends and family coming up.

If all goes well everything will work out well.

Big John

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

Last Friday I caught 1 rainbow at Squam that was only 17" but weighed 3#-9oz. it was so fat it looked like a bass. Like you say thou your lucky to catch a fish at Squam it's very slow, I fished 8 slow hours.
Should be there Saturday this week if forecast calls for light winds.

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

I have nobody scheduled for Saturday if ya want to jump on The Barge one last time, it's slow, but not dead.

Wow that was some Bow, a few 4.5 pound Bows were caught last Saturday, the big ones should be biting soon, our mongrel NH Bows are trying to decide now if they are spring or fall spawners, ha-ha. Some are in tight, some are down deeper.

Let me know on Saturday so I can hook up with someone else if ya can't make it.

Alone in the wind does s---, but on The Barge with 2 people it's fine.

Big John

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

John need to have a retirement party or something. There have been a lot of very nice fish caught on the barge. It really needs an official retirement.

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

triple D
John need to have a retirement party or something. There have been a lot of very nice fish caught on the barge. It really needs an official retirement.

Is kind of sad to retire such a great fishing machine, but she's getting old and unlike women, they are allot easier to trade in for new model, ha-ha. I gave allot of thought to it and it seems to be the right thing to do.

May have auto pilot on the new ride too, setting lines alone in any kind of wind real bites it, but I had reservations about using auto pilot on the Barge, her steering was always a bit stiff ?????? New everything should make it work allot better.

You and your brother have to jump on again before she retires, we can have a retirement party.

Big John

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

hi john
happy to hear you sold the barge so fast.
sad to see her go though many great days of fishing.but i am sure the new boat will be just as nice if not better.keep me posted and if you need any help give me a shout.
joe s.

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.


It was an honor to spend so many days on board the Barge with you "Fish'n Squam Agian". I guess I would say I'll miss hanging off the back untangling line off the motor or ducers....or contorting myself to fix a loose wire or screw....or trying to net another big fish off the side...while Forry or Floydo throw jabs....Its been fun, educational, and enjoyable. I'll miss fishing off her deck...but look forward to the time spent on the new ride. I'm sure you are doing it right...you always do.


Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

Fish'n Squam Again

It was an honor to spend so many days on board the Barge with you "Fish'n Squam Agian". I guess I would say I'll miss hanging off the back untangling line off the motor or ducers....or contorting myself to fix a loose wire or screw....or trying to net another big fish off the side...while Forry or Floydo throw jabs....Its been fun, educational, and enjoyable. I'll miss fishing off her deck...but look forward to the time spent on the new ride. I'm sure you are doing it right...you always do.


It was a great fishing machine, I doubt new owner will fish it much, told me I could take off all the fishing stuff. So as I plan to buy new rod holders, I'll be selling my black Lexan holders. I'm going with anodized aluminum from Traxtech, I wanted them before but they would not fit behind my couches, the new boat will be fine.

Find some time to fish and I'll be happy to have to you on board anytime. The new boat lends itself to fishing very well, it's actually a custom made model, not even on their web site or catalog. Cant wait, going to put auto pilot on too so that fishing alone will be easier.

Big John

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

Boy we know who has the big bucks "AUTO PILOT?" LOL. if I could on mine I'd do the same thing.

Re: The Barge is retiring to Winni !!!!! Squam report.

Boy we know who has the big bucks "AUTO PILOT?" LOL. if I could on mine I'd do the same thing.

I found out "retirement is when you stop saving for retirement and start spending". May need a loan, not money, your truck, ha-ha. Allot of trailers and boats to move around later this month. Maybe you can hop on for the maiden voyage, wont be til early June, like the 3rd or 4th.

Big John