Anyone else notice that the prizes have been getting worst and worst every year? The top 2 Salmon used to win a boat with the grand prize being a really nice boat and second place boat was not too shabby either. Also biggest laker used to win a boat that was worth at least $7500. This year there is only one boat for biggest salmon and $5000 cash for biggest laker. What does second place salmon get a pat on the back and a thanks for your $40 entry fee? The entry fee has not changed so why have the prizes changed? Just curious on other peoples feelings on this?
On a more positive note I will be out on Winni Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this weekend. Please give me a shout on Channel 12. I'll be flying my Fishlakewinni flag and should be in the center harbor / bear island/ gov. island area. I'll be in my old school blue lund tyee with honda outboards on the back.
Yes the prizes have dropped. I would suspect the economy has more to do with it than greed. Also we have new people running the event...with the old crew, they still gave a really nice boat for first prize salmon, a step down boat for second prize salmon and a still nice boat for lake trout with a 12 footer for youth. It looks like the old first prize level of boat was removed and the old second place boat was moved to first place and second place given the $5K cash prize and a smaller boat for laker..youth unchanged.
Beyond those levels there are also 10 top prizes for each category as there have been in the past but I expect those prizes have dropped a level also and of couse the grab bags which I assume are still there (my son loves that part).
I imagine that given what happened last year, the price of gas and some folks backing out to save the fishery, the sponsors are expecting a lower turn out and have lowered the prizes so they don't take a bath. If turn out is good, I would hope the re-up the prizes next year.
Honestly I don't expect to win anything each year. It's the fun of the competition with the CHANCE of winning that makes it's a lottery ticket. If powerball only paid 50 million instead of 100 million, I would still play and still be excited if I
Re: Awards and Gathering--Got an Email from the Derby Organizers
I asked them to post information about the weigh station and awards cermony online and here is their response:
Hi Scott,
Thank you for your advice. We are in the process of getting the website up-to-date with the info you mentioned. It is on the back of the paper tickets but no online tickets.
The weigh station is opposite the Mt. Washington dock in the Weirs. It can be accessed by boat or car. We will also have our people there to assist with the boats. We will have a motor home on the roadside. The hours are 8 a.m to 9 p.m. Fri and Sat. and 8-12 on Sun. The fish in before 6 will qualify for that day’s prizes and fish entered from 6-9 will be on the next day’s prizes. We will only weigh in the bigger of two fish (same species) as only 1 qualifies. There is no sense in keeping fish that are “just” the limit as they won’t win prizes and can be releases as we encourage catch & release. There are more salmon than trout weigh in by a big ratio so a trout is more likely to win a prize is it’s near the 22” mark. If you happen to have 2 salmon with only one that will qualify and you’re not going to eat it, please release it.
The award ceremonies are at the Laconia Ice Arena on Rt. 107. They start at 8 p.m. on Fri and Sat and 2:30 on Sun. We try to start promptly and last 1 hr. both night as 1.5 hrs on Sun.
I hope this info is helpful to you, but feel free to contact us again.