I just started taping my own spoons as a new hobby? I was wondering if anyone else does this and if so do they have any tips for me. I bought some blanks and some wtp tape. I am having trouble with the tape forming to the shape of the lure. I seem to get wrinkles when I apply it. Should I do anything to seal the tape once I hqve applied it? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.
I just started taping my own spoons as a new hobby? I was wondering if anyone else does this and if so do they have any tips for me. I bought some blanks and some wtp tape. I am having trouble with the tape forming to the shape of the lure. I seem to get wrinkles when I apply it. Should I do anything to seal the tape once I hqve applied it? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.
There are tapes that have a silver film backing (holographic) which do not stretch and other tapes which are vinyl (plain colors) which do stretch and conform to different shapes, also are more pliable when heat is applied to them from a hair dryer. I have a Blogwhich provides additional information and sample of taped spoons. One way to deal with a tape that buckles is to cut it as done on the following dodger near the curve at the front of the dodger. An other alternative is have a lure design that does not require large pieces of tape or to have a design that covers the cut marks with a straight piece of tape.
I have been cutting the tape just a little longer than the blank and just trim the excess with a single edge razor.
Here's hopefully a better tip. I was having probelms cutting or using a punch for the holes for the split rings. A fine tipped soldering iron solved that.
Hint; After taping a bunch of spoons. Take a picture, the spoon that works the best will get lost and U will forget how U taped it. I always take pics of my spoons, (also lots of pics of Macs tackle box & spoons when hes not looking so I can copy his) TnT W-Fat