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Anyone get any info on winning weight, was it a 5 or 6 pounder as predicted by many ???? Only weight I heard was 4lbs/8oz the first day, did that hold up ?????
The radios were pretty quite except for Forry and Ilucas, sounds like they had a hell of a good time and that's what it's for,I hope everyone did. Most times we switched to 12 to listen in, it was silent, except for my two buddies above, ha-ha.
Big John
here are some partial results:
Daily Leader Board - Friday 05/13/2011
Salmon Trout Junior
1st 4.36 lbs 5.88 lbs 4.20 lbs
2nd 4.22 lbs 5.04 lbs 3.90 lbs
3rd 4.10 lbs 4.36 lbs 3.74 lbs
Daily Leader Board - Saturday 05/14/2011
Salmon Trout Junior
1st 4.50 lbs 6.46 lbs 3.52 lbs
2nd 4.34 lbs 5.52 lbs 3.48 lbs
3rd 4.34 lbs 5.18 lbs 3.24 lbs
We had a good weekend, no winners either. We caught a lot of salmon but mostly 2 year olds, a few 3 year olds but only 2 fish above 20".
They said that 100 salmon were checked in on Friday over 20" and 76 on Saturday. I am not sure for Sunday as I didnt go to the awards that day. We only caught 1 fish that had any sign of hook wounding and we kept it just because....all of the others were released except the 2 that we checked in.
I thought it was funny, even if we wanted to, we couldnt do a catch and release after check in. The guy at the weigh station said it HAD TO BE DEAD by state law?? I thought if we wanted we could of carried it up in a bucket, had it checked and then released, but apparently not.
I like the LCI derby for that very reason, a lot more fish released to live on and keep growing. Its a shame every fish that is enetered in the Winni has to be killed.
PS I wanted to thank Craig (Slip_Knot), Adrien, and Travis for all of the information they have given me over the past few years. I went from catching no fish in my first derby 5 years ago to catching close to 50 this year. Setups and knowledge were the key to our success.
Thanks John!!
Great Derby for the Talewalker team. Weighed in some nice fish - biggest was a 3.54 lb 4 yr old male that won my daughter a nice tackle box. Also caught a number of 3 year olds that looked really healthy. Excluding last year, this makes our 8th straight derby together(she just turned 16) - priceless. Hope she'll continue to want to go fishin with Dad... Great to see you all out on the lake.
Easy Ed fished with me on my boat. He entered a 6 yr old Salmon that only weighed about 3 1/2 # and 20 1/2 in. I entered a 4yr old Salmon 20 3/4 in that weighed only 2.78 in. (Both good fish to cull. Either was going anywhere.) I came in last place Sun!! LOL. But did win $129.00 in the 50-50.
I'm not sure what is going on with the Derby results.
I see the Derby web site has the largest Salmon taken on sat.at 4.5 lbs, but this AM paper had the largest Salmon taken on Friday at 4.88 lbs by a person from Center Tuftoboro.
Who is the real/actual winner???
Some are daily prizes and some are grand prizes. 4.88
is the grand prize in the Salmon division.
Salty, I saw you at the awards and was suprised because for some reason I thought you were holding out this year. Glad to see you out there though. I saw your boat earlier on the water.
Nice job on the 50/50! I was hoping for a piece of THAT prize!
Great weekend. The fishing was phenominal. Best derby ever for the crews coming out of our camp. We all hit on different colors and hit gold in different places.
One of the guys in our party recognized the winner...he was fishing right next to us most of the day Friday. Just goes to show, it can happen for anyone at any time anywhere on the lake.
My only critism for the sponsors/event handlers is with two lures in each grab bag. One was a lure with a bank logo on it and the other was the "Winni Derby" lure. Neither will ever see the water for probably anyone and thus are going right in the trash....guys - if you are gonig to give grab bags and spend the money for lures - put something in there that can be used. After I tosed the bank lures, I saved the container it came in. I'll use it to store matches when camping or for deer scent in the Fall (so the bank lure was actually good for something).
I got 3 DB Smelts and a Top gun in my Grab bag as well as the Bank lure and a spool of 6lb Vanish. I did not get the 2011 Winni lure...but I bought one from Alan just to have it.
Sorry you didnt get a better bag. I was fine with what I got.
I didnt really recognize anyone at the Saturday awards night....I saw Cody and I believe the mans name is Roland, I think I met him with Adrien and Craig up at the LCI a few years ago.
We had a great derby. The fishing was better than years past, the lake was not over populated with boats, the chatter on the radio keep us going all weekend. We started off the derby with a board fish at 5 minutes of 5 Friday, and ended with a another really nice salmon at 1135 Sunday. (yes Lena, lead core!!!lol) We caught 11 fish over 20, 4 that were 21-23, and a really nice bow at just under 4 pounds.
I really dont know the true effect on the salmon population as i am not a fish as far as all the charters and all the hoopla on overfishing, but i can tell you that in years past there were thousands of people out there, and the boat traffic was crazy. I would think that alone the number of fishing boats would have an effect on any lake. Maybe they were in the 4 pound range from the derby being cancelled last year, i dont know, but I think if they keep the size of the derby as it was this year, and if people do not over harvest, the fishery will remain as good as it is for us. I actually think that the folks that did not go because of this helped us all out. The traffic was good, and competition was less. Thanks!!!
And thank you to all that brought the derby back!
We had a fun weekend fishing the derby. We brought in and released many fish that were all healthy and they will continue to grow!
We ended up harvesting 3 salmon on the weekend. Each were both hook wounded and able to bring us a prize. One 4 year old female that hadn't released her eggs that came in 8th or 9th?? on Friday. A 5 year old male that had been wounded which put me in a 4th place overall for the tournament. And dad weighed in a 21" 5 year old female that weighed 3.5 lbs ( hook wounded) which gave him 9th or 10th?? on Sunday. We put in our time and had a blast.
I fished the southern(ish) end of the lake and had all of our success with live smelt from 0-15' deep. I heard my handle shouted a couple times from different people but the VHF on the new boat doesn't allow me to get the range I want. Happy with the new boat though, very comfortable to fish out of. Sorry if I didn't respond! Good talking to Popeye and Ilucus and Throbbin Rods though! I also saw the KJ Louis pulling out of West Alton! What a ride!
Overall good weekend with the family. I was very happy with the quality of the fish that we brought in! Thank you West Alton Marina and A.J.'s Bait and Tackle for your support throughout the weekend! What great people and places to do business with!
Cody Dodds
Just as an FYI - I also bough one of those Winni Derby Lures from Alan - caught 2 salmon on it, one over 20"
Had a hit on the bank lure - yep, I put that one in too. After I caught a laker on a teaspoon that a guy had bent and drilled, I decided that anything was worth a try.
We had a good Derby, I didn't pull the numbers of fish that some did but I am willing to bet that I had at least as much fun.
I fished with my son and girlfriend and we had a lot of fun.Girlfriend has never been salmon fishing so this was a new thing for her.Stayed at Bay Side Inn in Alton Bay great people,did not change rates and no dock fee.Like everyone else we did very well on numbers of fish.Couple of 21 inch fish but nothing worth entering.Boat traffic was a lot lighter than past years or at least where we were in the southern part of the lake.Forry I was wondering if you found that virgin and have gathered them goats yet!!! Lot of laughs on the radio.Headed to flooded champlain in 2 weeks for the Plattsburg derby.Had to rent a cottage at appple island campground has the camp we usually rent has 4 inches of water in it. B-man
Lena and I had a good derby, we regestered two fish, one on Saturday and one Sunday. Not sure why but I did not see any with hook wounds and we did catch enough fish that we should of seen quite a few. Sunday Lena placed around 12th. The chatter on the radio was great entertainment. Salty will you be starting a moble roach coach on water? Forry, I'm not sure where you'll find virgin goats in Mass. Again thanks for the laughs see you on the waters. Roland
I also saw the KJ Louise pulling out of West Alton! What a ride!
Thanks Cody
She is our fishing machine! Rigged for everything from Salmon to Tuna,Sharks, Stripers, Blues and Lobster! As we like to call her she's our summer home.
Your new ride is great too! I was sneaking a peak this past week while it was on her Trailer at the Marina! Good Luck with the rest of the season.
Steve B
I fished with a few guys from work. We too stayed at the Bayside on Alton Bay. Lets just say that we didn't have a negative impact on the fishery. We did manage to enjoy a few cans of beer, listen to some music, tell stories and laugh our asses off listening to guys on channel 12.
We have a little different goal than most when it comes to the derby. Although a new boat would be nice; we enjoy the time away from work, the wives and the daily grind and just have a good time. We are all looking forward to next year and if we could buy our derby tickets now we would.
I hope everyone else was as successful as we were.
John, There were a lot of 5# fish reported earlier, but they wern't weighed at Derby headquarters.
Im not a PHD scientist like the great brains that wrote the new fishing laws... But I am pretty sure the Fish can't read the bank logo on the free lure! and will still hit it because it has the right shape and wobble at the right time! Brilliant Move throwing them away boys! LOL!