Log On Today - Fish On Tomorrow! ™
(603) 731-1804 / (603) 344-8698
Fished Squam this morning by myself. Fishing was very good, eight Salmon, one Rainbow, and missed two jumping Salmon. Caught two salmon while trying to set the rigger. Most fish caught on DB smelts 15 feet down 30 feet back. About seven other boats (Church island) out in the same area and all caught multiple fish. One thing they need to do is post that 18 inches is the size limt on Squam. I know of some that were miss inform last week and today at the docks seen other shorts. Great morning to be fishing, good luck. Roland
Roland. According to the fish and game laws unless they change it after the digest was printed the lenght limit for salmon on squam is only fifteen inches and it is eighteen for Lake trout. Glad to see you had good luck. Please let me know if the digest is not correct thanks Forry
Forry I did not know they changed the size back to 15" and I did not look it up. I know one boat that left with seven fish last weekend and seen four more this weekend all around 16-17 inches. Yesterday I fished till 11am. Fish N Finn Jr, most the time I fished the same triangle by Church island I've fished for over 28 years. John you were the fourth boat in the area. When you arived I was in front of you with doubles. I set back up and had doubles again. I saw the small red Lund catch three, the beige Lund catch a couple, the black Lund caught several and I did see you catch more than one. If I saw that many caught as busy I was I am sure there was plenty more, the fishing was good. Be happy for people. I have always fished Squam slower and deeper than Winni. Yesterday gold and orange worked very well. Myself and other boats are hopefully going to get together on Squam this weekend. Good luck fishing, Roland
Happy Birthday Big John, enjoy your Day
John you know my boat, it's the same boat you have seen me in the last few years. I do not talk on the radio as much as I use to, using cell phones now. Sunday I was listen to the guys on 12. In the years past, I've gone out during the week (work nights). I've seen Squam with its ups and downs. Ten years ago I and alot of others used to post alot more than now. The information that we revealed is what this site was created for. Squam is for everyone, they don't need invites. I don't respond to every post, I still work, hunt and fish too much. My posts are usually for information to share with others. If someone does not like what I post its not an obligation to read it, they can skip it, as I have done with many in recent years. Either way, good luck whereever you fish. Roland
I guess I should have gone out this morning instead of yesterday AM and this evening.
What time were you there?
Nice job Roland I heard from a guy at work they were doing well over there as well much bigger fish I beleive thats were the largest salmon was caught last year by forrest currier 6 or 7 lbs I thimk going to try and get over there next weekend. good luck in new york give m and m a hug for me.
I too fished Squam this weekend, I found the fishing to better than advertised..... My boat caught "multiple" fish multiple times on Saturday....
Fish ranged from 18" to a gorgeous 26" Male!!!!
I think I might have found new waters to fish!!!!
well kept secret for years.
I tend to agree with Big john.
I've fished Squam for over 50 years, and it has been good and bad.
Several years ago there was a major kill in the fall. Several 100 Salmon on the beach. I don't think it was ever determained what happened.
It was very very slow for several years, and a few years ago it did get better, but then 2 years in a row that we can not find the stocked fish. Luckily, the 2010 are there now, but if every person take a 15-16 inch salmon home. (it is legal),there won't be many left. (I certainly don't object to people keeping their Salmon.)
I have gone out several days this year, and did catch two one day, and one another, and they were all 2 y.o.
9back in in good condition).
This may be better than I have done in the past. (May be due to the new fishfinder?????)
I really believe "line hour reduction" is still a must for a quality salmon fishing in the future.
John, I'm interested in the Lake Trout situation in Squam. Last August I took a nice 4.5 lb laker in Little Squam, and a healthy 15 in. one the same day. If they do not spawn, where would a fish like this come from?
From the sounds of it, it sounds like you know who the bucket biologist is? If you do and you haven't reported him, you should, It's people like that, that ruin all kinds of different fisheries. That's what happened over on Sebago were some Meathead put Northern Pike in the lake. Going to be interesting in the next 4-5 years to see how much of an impact it has on the salmon fishery. All bucket biologist should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never be allowed to own a N.H. Fishing or hunting license again. Just my .02 Take Care God Bless LOL Dave
Dave, It's only been rumored, I realy don't know it for a fact.
I knew of a guy that trapped bait in Barville Brook (main Squam stream) I thought it was smelt and mentioned it to F and G, found out later he was trapping shiners. So I'd rather stay out of this kind of "Ggood Neighbor Sam" policeing, very hard to prove unless you catch someone in the act, almost impossible.
But I do agree 100% this is a serious offense, what about the guy that put Pike in Winnisquam, another idiot.
Come to thionk of it, you guys caught a nice Laker in Squam too a few years ago, so they are in there, very few but for the most part very big.
Big John
If someone is dropping lakers in Squam, it would be pretty hard to prove. Personally, I wouldn't be too upset about it since they have been part of the fishery for many years. On Tues. evening I caught a nice 17" laker in Little Squam. Nicely shaped, healthy looking fish. With the food supply Squam has, this is not a holdover from the nineties. Regardless of what F & G says, I think there is at least a small amount of natural reproduction going on.
I would be upset and report him to F&G !