Dave, It's only been rumored, I realy don't know it for a fact.
I knew of a guy that trapped bait in Barville Brook (main Squam stream) I thought it was smelt and mentioned it to F and G, found out later he was trapping shiners. So I'd rather stay out of this kind of "Ggood Neighbor Sam" policeing, very hard to prove unless you catch someone in the act, almost impossible.
But I do agree 100% this is a serious offense, what about the guy that put Pike in Winnisquam, another idiot.
Come to thionk of it, you guys caught a nice Laker in Squam too a few years ago, so they are in there, very few but for the most part very big.
If someone is dropping lakers in Squam, it would be pretty hard to prove. Personally, I wouldn't be too upset about it since they have been part of the fishery for many years. On Tues. evening I caught a nice 17" laker in Little Squam. Nicely shaped, healthy looking fish. With the food supply Squam has, this is not a holdover from the nineties. Regardless of what F & G says, I think there is at least a small amount of natural reproduction going on.