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Week 2 of the Tubb Adventures

Managed to get another Sunday of fishing aboard the Tubb, My choice of where to go today since I was towing the Tubb with my truck LOL So off to trustworthy Sebago we went. Didn't land one single Salmon all day, but managed to clean the lake of 6 nice lakers all from smallest @ 18" to the largest at almost 30" and close to 6 pounds. Rob missed a Monster Laker this morning that snapped the mono on the rigger rod (drag was nice and loose as well, have learned my lesson on this one LOL) and we missed a few others. Marked a bunch of lakers and some salmon over in Raymond beach area, but didn't mark hardly anything over by the Songo buoys????? Water temp ranged from 56 to 60 degrees. So another good day on the Tubb, Still looking for a keeper Salmon as the kiddo is driving me nuts to bring her home a good salmon to eat LOL. Throbbin Rods says its the Luck we took when Rob bought the Tubb, but I think its SKILL Ha Ha!!!!!!!! Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: Week 2 of the Tubb Adventures

Thanks for a super report, that boat has turned your luck around big time.

John S.