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Re: Winnisquam info

Go North on Fair St. cross over the bridge and take a left. You can see the launch from the bridge.


Re: Winnisquam info

Thanks guys!

I just realized that it's Race weekend this week. I think I'm gonna look for another place to bring the boat.

I can always come back to Winnisquam at a later date.

Any suggestions? How about Sunapee? Again this one isn't on the stae F&W site.


Re: Winnisquam info

Was on Winnasquam today with the family and used the new launch. 2nd time I've used it, this time was during the week and it was great. The first time was last year on a saturday and it was real busy. Like someone said earlier go through town and you can see it, I believe the name of the road is Bay Road or Bay street.