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Re: Sunday Sebago Report

Nice report. hope you have a good VA CA. Tell your son he needs to try that lure he taped,it is a keeper and should produce for him. Have him teach you how to take pictures with that nice camera he has so you can take one of him holding his big fish. good luck guys.

Re: Sunday Sebago Report

Nice report. hope you have a good VA CA. Tell your son he needs to try that lure he taped,it is a keeper and should produce for him. Have him teach you how to take pictures with that nice camera he has so you can take one of him holding his big fish. good luck guys.

Thanks Forry, i think he will get out tomorrow or weds!!! Sure would like to get some pics for the reports!

Re: Sunday Sebago Report

they fight better on sebago than any lake ive ever been on size wise. you marking much smelt, i think the smelt populations are going down by the year from 3 years ago. might explain the small lengths this year, last year salmon lengths were dropping, this year they seem stable at 15 to 16 inches the norm, not like a few years ago with the big fish. the salmon still are healthy looking, just no length to them.

Re: Sunday Sebago Report

they fight better on sebago than any lake ive ever been on size wise. you marking much smelt, i think the smelt populations are going down by the year from 3 years ago. might explain the small lengths this year, last year salmon lengths were dropping, this year they seem stable at 15 to 16 inches the norm, not like a few years ago with the big fish. the salmon still are healthy looking, just no length to them.

Not marking any bait balls to speak of, they are mainly spread out horizontally at about 50- 75'. Like you say the biggest salmon so far has been about 16" but even the 10" ones are Fatties!!!
really hoping to get into a couple 20" +... they feel like monsters!!! At any rate it's great to be back on Sebago.
How did you and your Dad do yesterday?? Are you considering a new pup yet?

Re: Sunday Sebago Report

we had the 2 right off the bat when we talked, then a couple more an hour or two later. saterday there were alot, maybe 20 with one just around 3 pounds, maybe 19 inches but grossly fat. new pup arrives in about 7 weeks, male french brit tricolor. couldnt find one around here, flying the dog in from south dakota. the litter was last week for the pups. should be smaller than abe but they have some really good bird dogs out there, cant wait. if you have any washington lures, all copper deep and nickel copper above that is working really well and the rainbow colored winniwonder spoon. all similar to a top gun and speeds 2.4 to 2.8

Re: Sunday Sebago Report

Good luck with the new fishing partner, he's going to have it good!!!