I read elsewhere that the POS didn't have a license - what a freakin model citizen!
Come on now he was just trying the tree stand out and if it did hold him,you know he would run right out and buy one. good thing he didn't look at the money he saved.
Is it time for a taxpayer revelution. To a time of common sense and not political correctness.Want to do away with the debt,do away with congress,senate and the president.When was the last time they did something FOR the citizen's of the U.S. and not themselves or the illegals or did what they said in their campaign. Term limits,Citizen 's rights to fire them on the spot for not doing as they said they would.BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE,I don't think so.Hurray for me and screw the people,the word of congress!!!
News from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
Phone: (603) 271-3211
Email: info@wildlife.nh.gov
For information and online licenses, visit http://www.wildnh.com
* * * * * * *
Glenn Normandeau, Executive Director: 603-271-3511
August 3, 2011
N.H. Fish and Game Commission to Study Landowner Liability Statutes
CONCORD, N.H. - Following a special meeting of the N.H. Fish and Game Commission on July 28, 2011, members of the Commission will be taking a look at ways to strengthen current statues related to landowner liability.
Sharon Guaraldi, chair of the Commission, has asked for appropriate Commission subcommittees to take a closer look at relevant New Hampshire statutes with an eye toward some future legislative action. “Because of our concern about some recent issues,” Guaraldi stated, “we are going undertake a serious review of the current situation with the intent to increase protections for both landowners and sportsmen and women who recreate on private lands.”
The Commission’s Policy and Legislative committees will report on their results later this year at a monthly Commission meeting. These meetings are open to the public and are held the third Wednesday of the month at Fish and Game Headquarters in Concord. For more information about the N.H. Fish and Game commission, visit http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Inside_FandG/commission.htm.
Copyright 2011 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive,
Concord, NH 03301. Comments or questions concerning this list should
be directed to jane.vachon@wildlife.nh.gov.
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Thanks Gus.
Hopefully, more protection for landowners will come of this. The more protection for landowners will result in more open land for recreation and sports people.