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Fishing this week

Winni 7/5/21
Playing catch up fishing I’ve done this week…
Monday: Out at 5:30 off Little Barndoor for a couple hours. Several strikes, saw some surface swirls. Seemed to be a couple hatches: midge and small yellow mayflies. One chunky rainbow 17” at 40’ on Top Gun (Wonderbread). Little salmon on same pattern DB Smelt as I was bringing in leadcore. Salmon coughed up a 1” fish, maybe YOY perch?

Tuesday: same time, same place, same patterns. Midge hatch early. One small salmon, a couple small lakers before the rain came through.

Wednesday: Bluebird day. Hexagenia mayflies were resting on the boat when I got on board. Fished Black Point for an hour and a half. Picked up a keeper size laker on the leadcore at 7 colors.

Thursday: Out at 6 for an hour and a half. Worked the area off Parker. One small salmon on leadcore at 7 colors. Surprised at the amount of rock bass I’m catching deep, but I think it’s when I get into area with less than 60’ of water. Still not great to see.

Thanks for keeping this board going. Tight lines.

Re: Fishing this week

Capt. Matty and myself appreciate your posts. Very demanding maintaining a website such as this. I'm seeing much of the same things you are a little farther north on Winnipesaukee. My best success seams to be coming from 18'-40' down in the water column. Using Micro-Leadcore lines jigging my custom flys. Wether it be CeeDeeStreamers.com Ski-Jiggers, Dan's Rod-Pumper or just old fashioned hand jigging! Here's some beautiful LL's & Bows from mid-week am charter. Tight Line, keep fishing! Capt. Bob Wyatt

Re: Fishing this week


Re: Fishing this week

Thanks for the report. Got to get back out there!!