Up at 2:45, got to the lake at 5:20, killed some time with 3 stops, drinks, munchies, ice, live bait, etc.
Decided to give "live" bait a good effort as I never have before and so manu here on the board are so high on it for early fishing.
It was windy as hell, weathermen made a slight error, my new Trolling bag decided it would float in between the pontoons, out side too, and both sides, etc. needs a little adjustment I guess. Plus it really didn't slow the boat quite enough, .7 or .8 into a headwind, maybe I need two. It also made sterring e3specially with the wind harder being alone. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
At any rate fishing was slow as it has been so far on Squam this year for me. Sandwich Bay, 9:30 I did manage a nice Salmon, on a live smelt, my first ever, 100' leader, 1 color, water temp. 49.3, trolling about 1 mph. A real nice Salmon, 1 ounce shy of 4 pounds, gave quite a show for me and a boat close by.
There were several other boats in the area, they didn't seem to be doing much either.
By the end of the day, I stayed longer than I had planned (I lost two hours due to an ajustment I made to the GPS, a long story, I thought it was 2 and it was 4) But I did manage 2 more Salmon and Rainbow, all at or under the limit, probably newly stocked fish ????
So on the way home I called my 3 coaches looking for advice as I did not have much fun with the live bait thing, even though I caught a few fish. Nobody was home, then I saw on the message board that my friend Travis, one of my teachers had a bad day on Winnie with only 1 Laker, as well as a few other guys.
Unbelievable, as slow as Squam can be some days, here I was, on a bad day, lucky enough to catch more (only one keeper) than some of the best fisherman on Winnie, a Lake not known for many slow days.
Normally when I come home after a slow day and see so and so on Winnie getting double figures, I get depressed, but maybe Squam aint so bad after all. I'll remember that day and smile the next time I get skunked.
Giving it another go tomorrow, rainy and windy, but not alone this time.
John S.
PS: I did talk to one boat yesterday on Squam and he got 3 small Rainbows and a Salmon, but all on the small side too, he aslo thought they were just put in.
Don't know how any of the other boats did.
It's like this, I have to have my boat taken out every time I need any work done on her, and they aint bashfull about what they charge for labor, in and out or for the 2.00 job I need done..
I was going to see if the Trolling Sock would work, so far it's not workig well and doesn't slow me down enough, may need two. Actualy hardly at all, maybe .5 mph. I can troll with just my big motor 115 Honda 4 stroke at 1.8 to 2.5 normally depending on wind conditions. Perfect normally, but for live bait I guess we need to go slower and on windy days it would help too I guess.
But now it looks like I WILL NEED TWO SOCKS, so I remembered I had a sock I used to use on my other boat, looked in the boat house and it was still hanging there, same good brand Buggy Bag, but one size smaller. (both nearly new, one used twice)
Looks like I'm going to have to get the trolling plate
after all, or else buy a 3rd troling bag and then maybe end up getting the plate anyhow.
But I want to buy the best one I can find, I know we just had a go around on this but my memory aint hat good these days. I'll find some other work to have done since I'll have to pay to have it taken out anyhow. It's at the Marina now anyhow as I got evicted from my tempoary dock on the Channel and it wont fit on my sons dock. My regular dock is still out due to low water conditions, no telling when it will go in ??????
Can you guys hep me again and where did you buy them time is crucial as the boat will be out this week.