And Dave John S. "The "Rookie of the year 2005" (self proclaimed) will be there too. So your realy missing the boat here. But there aren't too many boats that are big enough for both you and me, except maybe mine and now Adriens.
Don't forget you have an invitation to fish Squam with me whenever yur up to making the trip down. How long a drive is it anyhow ? I haven't been there in over 35 years when my kids played hockey up there, 20 below and my car wouldn't start without 3 cars hooked up to it. Not to mentiom the coldest ice rink I was ever in, Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hey John, I ended up tutoring up at school today for 1 1/2 hours otherwise i probably would have beat slipknot at posting Travis LOL But oh well Just have to wait for another day LOL You name the time and place and I'll be there I have class's till 5/16 on tues/weds/thurs other then that Im free any other day, just either email me or leave a post on here as i pretty much spend at least 2-2 1/2 hours on this site everyday LOL Can't wait to fish with you either!!!!!!!! Have a blast tommorrow You'll like Slipknot He's a Great Guy!!!!!! Save some fish for me though LOL or at least the 7LB so i can win the boat derby weekend LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!!