ive had luck on sebago with them also. the darker colored large ones, ive been using the brown (perch) color, but i hear and see people using the black. best in a sandy area ledge or hump near deep water. when you put them in the water make sure it floats, some sink right out of the box and dont work well. remove the front hook, and make sure it is making some contact with the bottom. i run a three color lead core off a downrigger with the ball 5-10 feet from the bottom for lakers with these, the flat fish digs into the bottom then slingshots forward and starts again.
Luv these lures! On the avg. the u20 works best for me. Like posted u need to get right speed, and some times tune them out of the box, by bending the screw. Will get salmon, toque, on winni and Champ. Also rainbows on other lakes. yup on letting them hit the bottom. Good luck. w-fat