good discussion of downrigger releases last week. did anyone find the pro-troll in the catalogue or online?
i found something called the Prorelease clip. is that it? at here's the link:
i'm guessing not, since popeye talked about how it releases on the slightest hit, while the ad claims no false releases with the prorelease.
Sorry, been out with a knee op. Those are it. They have a piston ball that pops out of a rubber disk that have different settings. It also has a thumb screw on top for tention. Open up the thumb screw all the way. Open up the ball, file both sides of the ball where it fits into the release. Keep filing until the ball basiclly falls into the release. Now all you have to do is turn the screw down a bit until it just barely clicks in and out, and you got a great release for live bait. I have 20 of them my self, some done up that way for around here, some not modified for Ontario. You wrap you line 7 times around the ball, close and your fishing. You can also stack them, but you have to pull the release off when you come to it, unlike a Roma.
Let me know if you get some, I'll walk you through it on the phone.
Yea I use the same release, just turn it up a bit on the thumb screw. I don't put any bend in my poll, when the fish hits it the line start going back, i open the bail load off some line, close the bail, and cross their eyes.