Met Dennis (who I met here on FishLakeWinni) at A.J.'s & we went out. In the water @ Brown's @ 5:30 AM. As usual lately, the bite was very early. 200 yards from launch Dennis caught his first salmon (21 1/2") on a fly rod w/ lead core, 1 color out, A'J's Golden Marvel single hook fly. Right afterwards, while I was putting the bait out, I caught an undersize laker (returned him to get bigger) & that was it. We trolled down to Little Dolly & back. Dennis had to be back for work so we docked @ 9 AM.
A slow & wet morning, yes. But, seeing the low clouds scudding across the lake, meeting a new friend & getting a pic of him with a big smile holding his 1st salmon, priceless.