Decided because of the rain to head out on monday afternoon. Checked the weather report and found it was going to be 70 degrees and sunny in Ontario. I just finished wiring the downriggers onto the boat so we packed our stuff Me, Dad and Mac. and we were on the road at 6:30 pm. we (I) drove until 1:30 AM and pulled into the ramp in Oswego. crawled into the front of the boat and slept until 5:30. got up launched the YOAdrien and started to fish. after tales of trips past and so many browns you could sink a 24 ft. grady white we didn't even get a bite for 4 hours!!!! talked to 7 other boats on the radio and found out 1 small fish had been caught all morning, WHAT THE HECK!!!!
About this time blood was squirting out my ears and smoke out my nose i couldn't take it anymore so we pulled in all the stuff swapped to spoons and spin doctors put the boat on the trailer and drove 4 hours west to The niagara river in Buffalo. We launched at the Niagara Bar and headed 3 miles out for the ledges. we had the boat at the ramp at 2 pm and we fished from 2:30-6:30 and boated 4 kings (17-20-21-22 Lbs) 4 lakers all about 8 Lbs. and 4 coho salmon @3-6 lbs each. as well as probally 4 or 5 lost fish. I guess we made the right move heading there because Oswego was DEAD. That is a qulity fish in the net every 15 minutes for 4 hours.
Slept in a hotel in Olcott and hit the Niagara bar again in the morning for a few hours and put 5 nice kings (14-19 lbs) and 4 coho @ 4Lbs. each in the box for a 9 fish limit. We relaesed 4 lakers and a bunch of other coho and lost a king or two beside the boat.
The boat was a dream come true to fish out of. for the past 6 months i have put all i had into building her up and i still can't believe it is my boat. It feels like i am in someone else's boat, it still hasn't sunken in yet but it will.
The first fish to come over the side was a 21 lb king my dad caught on a spoon so i would say the boat now knows what to do.
Just to make sure there were no Jinx's we brought 13 bananas on the boat and found a black cat and chased him around until he crossed our path.
A great way to christin that boat! God I wish I was out there. That is some fishing. I haven't been out there for 3 years but looks like time to go back. Maybe we could get a group of 3 boats to go sometime. When you were in Osewgo I bet you thought about throwing the banana's overboard!
I am always up for some kind of group outing. I go a lot and know most of the places to eat and sleep and launch, let me know what you are thinking. Know a few charter captains and usually get reel good reports.
Hey Adrien, WOW!!!!!!! The final project is now complete and baptized LOL It looks awesome you've got a beautiful boat there. Glad to hear you guy's had a great trip and as usual the fish are Awesome!!!!!!!!! Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!!!!!!! P.S. Ill bet it's nice to know that all that hard work you put into her paid off!!!!!!!!!!!! She is Immaculate!!!!!!!!
You know, Proline has an awesome idea there. That would be a very fun experience to get some guys from the board together to drive out there and do some fishing. Splitting the cost of gas would be nice... OK, I have room for 4 in my truck and boat... when we going??? Can we go right now... huh, huh, huh???
Slipknot, Count me in if ya need an extra guy I willing to pay my fare share!!!!!!! Gas,food,hotel, You name it Im in Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!!!
Hey Adrien, Lena and I leave tommorrow night for Olcott, the boys from Vermont just got up there today. As you said they heard the fishing has been good. Hopefully it continues for the next few days, we are trying our luck at the Spring LOC. We will be after the Kings and Lakers, anything else hooks up will be a benifit. WE will Let you know how we make out when we come back, or you'll hear Lena scream if we hook up on a board fish. Roland
There have been no fish in olcott for a few days the east wind that killed the brown fishing in oswego blew the warm pocket in front of olcott (18 mile creek) down to around 4 mile creek and as far as the bar. all the olcott boats were making the trip to between 4 mile and the bar and with the price of gas the way it is there is no way they are making a 14-18 mile run for fun. Maybe they will show back up in olcott soon as the wind changed back from the west yesterday. Ryan Bonner is there right now too he arrived as i left and he has caught some nice fish too.
I hope you guys have a great time there and get some monsters. This class of kings seems to be a few pounds bigger that usual making for some reel exciting fishing.
Best of luck to you guys i hope you slam some reel pigs!!!!!!!!!!