Salty, I keep a bottle of Simple Green on the boat... great for the daily cleanup.
The stuff I'm trying to clean up now is stains that were there when I bought the boat... I'm tempted to try a 50-50 mix of bleach and water... will that hurt anything? I would be flushing the whole interior of the boat out (with a hose) soon after anyways...?? And the color is white anyhow...
You can also try a liquid cleaner - "Greased Lightning", "Krud Cutter" and a number or others. "Wally World" or your local auto store has all the stuff. Most of the result is to get whatever product you use to stay on the stain for a while. Spray and watch it run off usually doesn't work real well. If you really, really get serious you can always make a paste of lacquar thinner and plaster of paris. Put it on the stain - it works by pulling the stain substance out of the base material. Before you try it on any big scale try it on something that doesn't stick out. Good Luck! If it's on a vertical surface make a dam of duct tape - it holds the paste right on the stain.
I don't believe bleach will hurt. The charter captains at Lake O often use it on their boats. I dont think I would mix it with some water or better yet they sell it In a spray bottle Clorox Clean Up at Walmart. Wife uses it in the kitchen. Try that to start maybe.
Slipknot, this might sound a little crazy but you could also try some baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixed into a paste that works pretty good on tough stains in the shop (oil, etc.) old frenchman trick my grandpa taught me Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Time to clean the boat...
One thing tyhat will take off almost any stain is Whitewall or White Letter cleaner. Any brand, pick it up at your automotive jobber. I have used it on seats, floors, even tires!!!! Caution, you should spot test it and if used on a seat be sure to pu5t some armorall or something on it after. Don't breathe the fumes.
Throbbin Rods
No harm in diluting the chlorine (bleach) in water. It is perfectly safe to do. We use it in the lab all the time at 10% concentration for use as a fungicide and bactericide.
Diluted chlorine will help to disinfect the boat and lift some ground in dirt, but most likely won't lift any stains.
Craig, try using hydrogen peroxide. You should be able to find that in good supply at any pharmacy or department store. 30% solutions work great, but I don't know if you can get it over the counter or not. Hydrogen peroxide really works great for oxidizing carbon/hydrogen based stains and lifting them right out. Best of all... it is color safe!
If it is an original floor and doesn't have any new paint over it then get some acetone it is mean and will not hurt a cured gel coat. if that doesn't take it off it isn't coming off. get it in paint department at home depot.
I like it! Looks like the original floor... I'll test it in a hidden spot first though. Didn't even give acetone a thought... I've used it on other things in the past and you're right... if it doesn't come off with that, its not coming off. Thanks... I'll try tomorrow afternoon. Guess I'll have to pull the rubber matting out unless I want a big mushy mess back there...